Our Most Popular Services
RAE Consulting offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to help your Pension and Welfare Plans with the most complex issues. We are experts with both actuarial and administrative issues and have the range to work with both small and large plans.
A second opinion study can provide you with comfort and assurance that the current actuarial calculations are reasonable and your Plan is in compliance with IRS rules. You will also satisfy your fiduciary responsibility in ensuring the Plan is being managed in a prudent manner.
Properly drafted pension plan domestic relations orders can result in thousands of dollars of additional value to your client over their life. There is hidden value in supplemental pensions, death and disability benefits that we can uncover.
We perform funding and accounting valuations for defined benefit pension plans. We also perform accounting valuations for post-retirement health programs. Our comprehensive services also include government forms, and participant notices and other services, all under a set fixed fee.
If your collectively bargaining agremeent is expiring and you need an expert on your side, whether you are the Employer or the Union, we can help. We have advised many organizations in successful union negotiations.
Our staff has the capabilities and expertise to address a multitude of administrative and compliance issues. We can perform a full review of your administrative forms and processes or automate and standardize election forms. We review summary plan descriptions and plan amendments.
We can train your fund office personel on proper benefit administration procedures and rules. We can also educate your employees on the basics of your pension plan and how it works, in the setting of a live presentation.
Get in touch with us to explore how our partnership can improve your plan's performance.
Get in touch with us to explore how our partnership can improve your plan's performance.